Friday, August 6, 2010

In One Week....

In one week after 8 long years of school, 8 years of living away from family, 3 different colleges, 3 different cities, $$$$$ in school debt, leaving friends behind and making new ones, my husband will finally be Dr. Aaron Bell and I will be Mrs. Dr. Aaron Bell hehe A wife couldn't be more proud!

In one week we will cram into the uhaul and the girls and I will hop on a plane and head back home to Utah.

Texas has been our home for the past 3 1/2 years which is longest we have lived anywhere since we've been married. The Texan accent has rubbed off on us all y'all. :) Chloe has lived here almost her whole life. Emma has her southern drawl she surprises us with every now and again.

15 things we will miss about Texas:
-Our Friends! Aw our friends.....they became our family away from family, we love you!!
-Our ward, we have the best ward that we fit into so well only to leave it behind and learn to do all over again in a new ward.
-Our fantastic babysitter that our girls adore, she is going to be hard to replace.
-Our swimming pool with the kiddie pool in our front yard, being able to head right outside and go swimming whenever we want to.
-Texas thunderstorms, you haven't experienced a lightning storm until you have seen and heard one in Texas, it is so cool!
-The 9 months out of the year where the weather is perrrfect! You get your snow to play in once or twice and then when you've had enough it's gone and you never have to deal with it again.
-The people, I haven't met friendlier people, everyone holds doors for ya, smiles or says hello at the store.
-Six Flags right out our front door 5 minutes away.
-The Dallas Cowboys, Go Cowboys!!
-The Lonestar 4th of July fireworks show, I have yet to see more spectacular firework show.
-The Splash Factory, cheap fun for my girls for only a dollar.
-The variety of stuff to do and places to eat, a lot more choices then just chilies and applebees.
-All the wildflowers that grow all over the place and on the sides of the road
-The variety of wildlife right in my backyard, armadillo, raccoon, wild boars, foxes, yes I have seen all of these right outside my apartment, but I will not miss the gigantic bugs! It's like all the bugs here are on steroids, they're ginormous!
-The Mountainless camping, haha we had our doubts, but we had lots of fun on our Texas camping trips.

We love Texas, it has been good to us and we will miss it.


The Robisons said...

yay! Congrats to you guys!! Texas sounds'll be nice to have you guys closer though! Jason and I were talking about how much fun we all used to have hanging out together! He told me Aaron used to trash talk like a mad man while playing videogames...he's DIEING to get Aaron playing again!

Rhiannon said...

That is so awesome that you guys are finally done! That has got to be a huge relief! I can't even imagine what that must feel like to be totally done with school.