Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sunday Hike

One of the things I missed most while living in Texas was hiking. It's one of my favorite things, and I love that the girls are old enough to go with us but not at that age where they would hate it. So after church today we went on a Sunday hike. The girls were great, they didn't complain even though it got hot and steep in some parts, they were troopers.
Emma is such a sweetheart! On a really steep part I took her hand and showed her that as you go down you turn your feet to the side and that makes it easier and she said, "I'd rather fall then have you fall." And before we left Aaron was packing up our backpack with snacks, water, gotta have band aids for Chloe, and a pocket knife, don't dare go without one after 127 hours. Anyways, Emma packed up her own backpack and when I asked her what she put in it she said, "Extra pair of socks, slippers and my Book of Mormon because you never know when you might need it." I love her way of thinking.

Chloe is Wonder Woman!
Gotta love these crazy girls!

My Family from

1 comment:

Simply Sarah *K* said...

Awesome awesome!!

And how the heck did you change your font?! lol