Friday, June 17, 2011

Emma's 7th Birthday!

My sweet baby Emma (yes she is still my baby) turned 7 years old this week. I asked her what she wanted to do for her Birthday and she said she wanted to spend the day with her cousin Myree. So we had my niece Anna and Myree come sleepover and we turned Emma's Birthday into a 2 day celebration. We started the day with chocolate chip pancakes and then headed over to this great splash pad that is free just at the bottom of Spanish Fork Canyon. We made a trip of it and packed a picnic, played in the water for a couple of hours and enjoyed the playground they have there too.

We came back to the house and continued with more outdoor play all day. We got out Emma's new sprinkler and put it by the trampoline, brought out the bubble machine, got out the new chalk toys, and once we were all exhausted from being in the sun all day we headed inside for a couple more party games and then Emma's favorite dinner, fruit filled crepes. Once Aaron finally got home from work we got to do cake, ice cream and presents.
Wishing hard, "I wish I would grow up faster so I can drive a car."

The party didn't stop there, the next morning we went out bowling and then over to McDonalds. It was a crazy fun Birthday! We Love our Emma Lou, she is such a sweet, caring, friendly girl and we are so blessed to have her in our family.

My Family from

1 comment:

Rhiannon said...

Wow! I cannot believe you have a 7 yr old. Seems crazy. :) Love all the pics they are so cute. They're are also 2 free splash pads in alpine. Let me know if you want directions to them.