Monday, January 4, 2010

Christmas in Utah!!

Wow lots of pictures, but hey our Christmas vacation in Utah was 2 1/2 weeks and we had lots of fun! Before we took off to Utah one of Aaron's favorite traditions is to take the kids out in the car and just drive around neighborhoods and look at Christmas lights. We passed this house and about died when we saw what was in their window.....Aaron snuck up with his iphone to get a closer picture, I kept telling him to hurry up before they noticed some weirdo standing outside their house taking pictures.
We had our little Christmas at home before we flew out to Utah.
When we got to the airport my brother Josh and his wife McCall were suppose to pick us up. We were walking around outside looking for them but we couldn't see them, then I saw this old man who was slouched over and talking funny.....I didn't even recognize Josh! They are so funny, we love you guys!
At my parents house we had our annual Tycksen Christmas Party and the grandkids did the nativity story and Emma and Chloe were angels. I have fond memories of when I was little and doing the nativity story with my cousins, good times. :)
At the party everyone sings a song or performs something and Josh and McCall put together this whole skit based off of the Saturday Night Cheerleaders. It was hilarious! Gotta love these guys!
My Mom had some games for us, one for the boys and then one for the girls and the losers had to get up with these light up reindeer noses and do an interpretive dance to some random Christmas song my Mom played on the stereo. Aaron won so he didn't have to dance, I kinda wish he would have lost. :)
I was one of the girls that lost so we had to dance too, it was humiliating! But don't we look cute? Lol!
Everyone lined up for adjustments from Aaron and he just loved it!
Chloe loves her cousin Anna, she calls her "My honey". They are only about 2 weeks apart and they both love dress up. Thats all they played together and Chloe wore that dress for 3 days straight.
We spent some time in Delta with Aaron's family and got see his Moms famous pet skunk.
Silly Chloe, she is such a spaz.
The kids couldn't wait to play in the snow, they loved trying to catch snowflakes on their tongues.
On Christmas Eve we opened up our pajama's and Aaron insisted he wear Sheena's top and my bottoms....I really don't know what to say about that. :)
Grandpa and Grandma Dutson with Cheree's twin boys.
We got a little spoiled.
The girls got new princess dresses, Santa couldn't have gotten them a better gift.
Grandpa Dutson loves to do puzzles and Chloe loved helping him. She would pick up a piece and say "Look Grandpa I found this one!"

Ok so last Christmas as we were asleep in my parents basement the house caught on fire and burned down. I didn't really think about how it affected me until our trip this year when I had several nights where I would wake up freaked out thinking the house was on fire and
hitting Aaron yelling at him to wake up and get out of the house.....poor Aaron had to keep reassuring me each night that there wasn't a fire. Before we flew out and I told Emma to pick out some things she wanted to pack she said, "I learned my lesson Mom, I'm not packing anything special this year because it will get fired up!" :(In one year my Dad rebuilt his house and now it looks like this. He built us an apartment in the basement which we will be moving into this fall after Aaron graduates, yea!!
We took the girls sledding at my sisters house.
Chloe didn't like the sled so she would just slide down the hill on her bum.
Emma on the other hand couldn't get enough of it.
How does she strike a pose like this while sledding down a hill?
Sweet Chloe!
I was so excited when I heard from my cousin Breanna whom I hadn't seen in 4 years! We reminisced about the good old days when we would have our tea party sleepovers and stay up all night giggling. I really missed her and loved visiting with her.
We got to spend some time with Grandma Bell and she took us out to lunch for my birthday, thanks Karen we love and miss you!
My parents also have a little dog named Piper who they got from Aaron's Mom too (If you want a dog let me know she is the one to get one from). Dolly just loved Piper and they played together the whole time. When Piper would get tired of Dolly she would jump up on the couch because Dolly couldn't jump up there and Dolly would just stand on her two hind legs and bark at Piper till she finally came down. So cute!
We had such a great trip in Utah and we loved seeing all of our family!

My Family from


Simply Sarah *K* said...

What a wonderful Christmas!!! It looks like ya'll had a blast with your family!! And Katie, you are just too pretty for words! :) Glad you were safe and sound, no fires!! But please don't talk about moving just yet, it's quite devastating (for us, not you Ü).

Simply Sarah *K* said...

And is that really a LEG lamp???

Rhiannon said...

We saw one of those leg lamps in my parents neighborhood too! So funny! I'm am glad your parents got their new house built. & in only a yr too wow! It looks really nice! Is it in the same lot?

Bell Family Blog said...

Aw thanks Sarah you are so sweet! I have such mixed feelings about moving, it's crazy! And yeah that is the leg lamp from The Christmas Story.

Rhiannon-yep my parents built a new house on the same lot, but it is a lot bigger.

The Yoder's Five said...

Wow--leg lamp, pet skunk, free adjustments.. (my fam used to line up for massages from me when I went to massage school).

Is Aaron really graduating this fall already?! YAY for you guys!! :) Glad there wasn't a fire this year. No kidding.

Jen and Carl said...

Katie we were so sad that we didn't get to see you guys this year! It sounds like you had a great trip though! I can't believe you are moving back this fall! 3 years has flown by! I am so glad that you guys will be in Sandy, but Carl wanted me to remind you guys that your supposed to be moving back down this way :) We miss you guys!