Friday, December 11, 2009

Santa's Mailbox and Homemade Presents

This week the girls wrote their letters to Santa and we took them over to Santa's Special mailbox that delivers their letters to the North Pole. Emma said she wanted a new bike with training wheels for her baby sister, isn't that sweet! Chloe said she wanted a bird, strawberries and dolly's.
Money is tight this year so I got some ideas from my crafty friend Sarah and did some homemade gifts. This one is some hand sanitizer that Emma helped me decorate for her Kindergarten Teacher.
These are Cocoa bags I put together for the sisters I visit teach. I also attached this poem with it.
This is a notepad for a friend of mine. It says "Merry Christmas from our "Pad" to yours."

I made these church bags for the girls for Christmas.
This is a Quiet time Gospel ABC book for the girls to play with during sacrament meeting.

This is an I Spy bottle. I also made a little picture flip book of the different items that are in the bottle for the girls to find.
This is a catch glove game for the girls to share.

It was a lot of work, but a lot of fun. I hope the girls like their stuff.....

My Family from


Simply Sarah *K* said...

You have been BUSY!! :) Look at you go..I guess I should step away from the computer and get some stuff finished ;).

Rhiannon said...

Very creative! Good job!

The May Family said...

It was very nice to meet you at the concert the other night. It was great running into Aaron, I don't think I have really seen him since High School. Your little girls are beautiful. Hope all is treating you well this wonderful holiday season.
