Saturday, March 12, 2011

Keepin busy

Lately I have been getting really tired of my routine, getting the kids ready, cleaning, dishes, laundry, grocery shopping, dinner and so on....I usually feel like I can't take time to do something I want to do like craft or read until all the housework and family stuff is takin care of first and so I usually don't get a lot of me time cuz of that. But this last week I just needed a break, my house suffered for it but I have a few projects to show for it and it I feel good cuz I accomplished something. I think every now and then I need to give myself permission to craft and leave the dishes piled high in the sink and the house an utter's good for me, right?

So this book is a quiet book great for sacrament meeting and even family nights. I love quiet books, I made one for the girls at Christmas and they still pull it out every Sunday. To download and print it out go here

I saw two different Emma and Joseph collage frames in friends houses in Texas and I just fell in love with it and have been wanting to make my own ever since. There is one more picture I want to put in called While Emma Sleeps and these are all Liz Lemon Swindle pictures but Deseret Book and Seagull Book don't carry them in this size anymore so I had to make a special order to her warehouse in American Fork and go pick these up. If you come across that other picture that is a 5x7 pick it up for me :)
Lastly were these pom poms to decorate the girls room with hardly any money. Some tissue paper, floral wire and fishing line and that's it! My sister in law Heather did this for her girls room and I love it! For directions go here. It just adds a little something. But I can't decide if I should add a third one or not, if I do it will probably be a light pink, I did pink for Emma and blue for Chloe cuz those are their favorite colors....what do ya think, two or three???

My Family from


Rhiannon said...

Love them all! I have always wanted to make those pom pom things... glad I can learn how now. I think it looks great with just the two. Tanks for sharing all your projects & I'm glad you got some "Me time" that is crucial. The dishes can wait.
Oh & that tooth fairy pillow is so cute!

Arritt said...

Great stuff! It's always important to take some time out for some crafts or projects that you love. Here is one of my favorite quotes by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf:

"The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul. No matter our talents, education, backgrounds, or abilities, we each have an inherent wish to create something that did not exist before.
We develop ourselves and others when we take unorganized matter into our hands and mold it into something of beauty."

Heather said...

I feel the same way about the daily routine and never feeling like I accomplish anything. So YES, it is good to leave the house a mess sometimes and do something that you love! I love your projects, definitely worth the pile of dishes :)