Thursday, March 17, 2011

Everyone needs a lil Green!

I love St. Patrick's Day! Every year growing up my mom would go all out and the Leprechauns would come visit our house and it always made me feel so special. I have continued the tradition in our family with our kids and the girls love it. It's worth the time and effort the night before even though it gets taken down the very next day.
The girls have to follow the lil leprechauns feet from their room to their pot of gold and treasure. When Emma saw the foot prints she said, "The Leprechauns aren't very good at wiping their feet are they mom?"

And we always have Lucky Charms with green milk, I usually do green chocolate chip pancakes too but I was too tired from staying up late the night before helping the lil leprechauns.
Emma was excited to wear a whole bunch of green to school today cuz she wasn't going to get pinched.
Everyone needs a little green :)

My Family from


Rhiannon said...

I ALWAYS think of you on the holiday. I never knew anyone to celebrate as much your family did & I always thought that was so cool. Im' gonna have to do this when Maeva gets a little older to understand. So fun!

The Yoder's Five said...

You are such a fun mom! I didn't do a single thing for St. Patrick's Day. And I'm glad to hear that you took some time off from housework to do some projects. Sounds like my life right now....