Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Sunday

We had a nice Easter today. I loved conference this weekend and I loved that my girls are older now and behave better that I can actually sit and listen. Aarons sister Cheree and her family moved back home to Utah last month so it was just us this year celebrating Easter. It's hard on Emma, her only cousin that lived here in Texas is far away now and it's hard for her to understand that we can't go visit her yet.
But we still had a nice day. The girls woke up and found their Easter baskets hidden in the bath tub. We colored Easter eggs which later Aaron made into deviled eggs, yummy! Then we watched the dvd the church sent out a couple of years ago called Finding Faith in Christ and the girls actually sat and watched the whole thing, I was very impressed. Then we went outside and the girls hunted for eggs, I am looking forward to next Easter when we get to do the Easter Egg hunt with my family and all Emma's cousins.

During conference Emma was drawing on her notepad and then she wanted to show me her drawings. She said, "This one is the Easter Bunny with polka dots and this one is the Easter bunny hiding eggs. The Easter Bunny and eggs are fun, but that's not why we have Easter." I was surprised and asked her why do we have Easter.
She showed me her next drawing and said, "Easter is because Jesus died for us and came alive again and was resurrected." I said, "Is the heart above his head because you love him?" And she said, "No, when he died for us he loved us." I am so thankful for Easter and that we can remember our Savior and his sacrifice for us.

My Family from


Simply Sarah *K* said...

Aww!! They look so cute in their Easter dresses!! :) And I love the pictures she drew, very talented girl you have there...and smart too!!
We'll have to make sure to get together for some of these holidays!!

Rhiannon said...

How fun! They are so cute & I love the drawings!