Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Ice Ice Baby!

For Family Night on Monday we had the opportunity to take the kids to the Ice show at the Gaylord Texan Resort in Grapevine. The theme is "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" and everything is made out of ice. The carvers spend a month of 12 hour shifts transforming 2 million pounds of ice into these awesome displays. It was amazing!
They keep it at 9 degrees so it is freezing! They give you these big blue coats to put on top of the coat you are already wearing. Chloe kept falling over and she couldn't get up, we couldn't stop laughing cuz she looked like Randy on The Christmas Story.

"Honey does this coat make me look fat?" Hahahahaha

The girls loved the slide room.
Chloe wouldn't lean back so she went really sloooow.

My Family from WiddlyTinks.com


The Yoder's Five said...

Wow--that is impressive. I'll bet it was freezing in spite of those huge coats. Your girls are so cute!

Rhiannon said...

That looks so cool! I want to go there!!!