Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Greatest News Ever!

So last week as my friend and I were leaving the gym I got a call from my Dad. He said, "How would you like a visit?" I was so caught off guard that I just started crying. I haven't seen my family since Christmas and it has been really hard missing out on all the birthday parties, sunday dinners, and weekends at the cabin. But most important to me is having my girls grow up with their cousins and spending time at Grandmas. So I was so happy when my Dad told me that him and my Mom are going to fly out next month and stay for a whole week!! I can't wait to see them and have them spend time with Emma and Chloe. This must have started a trend because now my brother Josh and his cute wife McCall are going to fly out and spend their UEA vacation with us in October. I have never been more excited!!

My Dad and Emma in Cabo San Lucas Mexico last Christmas.
My Mom, can't wait to see her!
My older brother Joshy.
McCall and Emma in Mexico, can't wait to hang out with her and Joshy, they're so much fun!

My crazy family who I miss so much! Hopefully I will get to see them all soon.

My Family from WiddlyTinks.com


Simply Sarah *K* said...

I'm so excited for you! I actually am tearing up :)...cause I know how you feel! Being away from family is SO HARD!

Rhiannon said...

Awe! That is so exciting! How fun!

Unknown said...

I'm so glad Mom and Dad are coming out. I had no idea that Josh and McCall are coming down too... that will be so much fun!

Arritt said...

That will be so much fun- I'm so happy for you. Karter and I were thinking the other day about how we went down to see you and how that was 1 year ago! Crazy.