Friday, May 25, 2012

An Opera, Recital and a Play

In this last week we had an Opera, a Recital and a Play.  It's been a busy week and it's not easy hauling a 3 week old baby to all these things.  All you want to do the first 3 weeks is stay home and rest but I didn't want to miss the girls end of the year programs even if I got crap from another Mom at the school for taking my newborn out....sigh.  
Well it finally caught up to me at the end of the week.  I took Ethan and Chloe out for a walk to deliver thank you notes and the whole time I felt so lightheaded and like I was going to pass out.  The rest of the day I had the biggest headache and was achy all over.  By the time Aaron got home I had the chills and was miserable and crying.  He took my temperature and I had a fever so I asked him for a blessing.  I didn't know how I would take care of Ethan and the girls feeling like this.  But in his blessing it said that this was just my bodies way of reacting to being worn out.  After that I went right to bed and Ethan who had been waking up every 3 hours at night slept great that night going 6 hours and then 4.  I felt so much better the next day and was grateful for priesthood blessings and that I didn't have to worry about getting Ethan sick.  

Anyways, Chloe's Preschool did the 3 Nanny Goats Opera and Chloe was Annie Goat.  She did such a good job and she loved singing all the songs.  She had her last day of preschool this week, she has come so far this year and learned so much, Miss Martha was a wonderful teacher.  I can't believe she is done and will be heading to Kindergarten this Fall, crazy!

I've said it before but Emma makes such a beautiful Ballerina.  She is so graceful, Im a little sad that she  is taking a break from Ballet this fall but Im excited that she is trying new things.  She wants to try Karate, which I think she'll love.  
Here are some pictures from her rehearsal.  She is so pretty!

These are from the night of her performance.  She did such a great job, we are so proud of her.

She loved being in the front and leading her class out.   The theme of the night was celebrating broadway and musicals and Emma's class did 'Lets Go Fly a Kite' from Mary Poppins.

Then Emma's 2nd grade class did The Ugly Duckling Play and Emma was a Swan.  Sorry for the crappy pictures, I was on the other side of the gym holding Ethan while trying to snap some decent shots, not very easy....obviously.

She is on the right :)

And what's a post without Ethan.  Here is Grandma Bell getting to meet her newest grand baby.

And Ethan turned one month this week,  I can't believe it.  It's already going too fast.  We're so grateful he came to join our family, he is such a good baby.  He is so patient with me, you can tell how hard he tries and I just love him for it.  Here he is getting his first bath, finally done with the sponge baths.  He liked this a lot more.


The Yoder's Five said...

Beautiful little ballerina!!

Ethan and Chloe are adorable, too. I feel tired for you. Reminds me of me running 100mph with a newborn and coming down with strep when Luke was only 9 days old. NOT FUN! Hope you get some rest!

Simply Sarah *K* said...

Adorable! Your kiddos are growing up so fast! I'm so glad you were able to make it to's so hard to miss out! There's no rest for a lady with three kids! (so that chick from school needs to hush!)